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Mental Health: Prioritise Workplace Wellbeing As A Business Goal To Prevent Burnout
1. Introduction
Introduction (6:10)
2. Setting Wellbeing As A Business Goal
Part1: Setting Wellbeing As A Business Goal (7:15)
Part 2: The Meaning Of Wellbeing (3:44)
Part 3: How To Change Our Neural Pathways (5:19)
3. Understanding Your Stressors
Understanding Your Stressors (9:46)
4. The Importance Of Holistic Health
Part 1: Mind Care (6:34)
Part 2: Body Care (5:52)
Part 3: Soul Care (3:19)
5. Setting Wellbeing Goals For Yourself And Your Team
Part 1: Short-term Wellbeing Goals (5:58)
Part 2: Medium-term Wellbeing Goals (7:03)
Part 3: Long-term Wellbeing Goals (7:08)
6. Making It Stick
Positive Habits For Living A Purposeful Life (6:14)
7. Inner Strength And Power
Build Your Inner Strength And Confidence With Stakeholders (9:49)
8. Conclusion
Conclusion (1:54)
Part 1: Mind Care
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