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Personal Branding
Introduction to the course
Meet your guide Russell Amerasekera (0:52)
What you will learn on the course (0:50)
How to get the most from this course (0:36)
What is a personal brand?
Introduction to personal branding and why it's so important (0:58)
What are you famous for? (3:36)
Summary (0:38)
Activity: find your one word (0:49)
How to create a personal brand
Introduction - build your personal brand (0:49)
Explore the dimensions of your life (4:47)
Creating your brand story (5:11)
Activity - your happiness curve (1:58)
Activity - your own personal brand story (0:52)
A blueprint for optimal performance
Introduction - how to be the best version of yourself (2:01)
A typical day at the office (7:04)
The 4 phases of you (3:22)
Summary (0:34)
Activity - optimise your day to optimise your life (1:14)
The power of authenticity
Introduction - the confidence to be your authentic self (0:48)
Russell's own story (4:42)
Personal brand mantras (1:56)
Summary (0:43)
Activity - discover your brand mantras (0:45)
The power of empathy
Empathy and why it's critical to your personal brand (4:07)
Activity - group perception (1:37)
The importance of storytelling
Introduction - how to tell your life story (1:10)
3 part narratives (1:19)
Engaging the emotions (0:45)
Using power words (0:35)
Summary (0:40)
Storytelling quiz
Activity - create your 3 minute life story (0:34)
Dressing for success
Introduction - the connection between your brand and what you wear (3:48)
Develop your own style (4:01)
Dress for success quiz
Activity - your 3 style words (1:08)
Summary (0:41)
What next?
More information
Storytelling quiz
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